Friday, April 12, 2019

Acid Rain

Here's a sample of my ability to write lettering on windows. I know mostly I show the artwork here, but some people count lettering of signs and sign-making as a form of art.

Here in Hawaii, (especially on the West side where the shape of that side of the island "traps" the volcanic air,) our windows have to stand up to VOG. It's a brand of volcanic smog. It can become sort of oppressive if you live in it all the time, although the tourists don't notice since they're visiting temporarily.

If your business or home windows face the right way, it's windows are permanently etched with this tiny onslaught of glass particles in the VOG. So on the windows that get this damage the worst, businesses find my signs to be a way of hiding the damage and advertising their newest innovations to stay in business.

Good for me! But makes me thankful I don't live in Kailua-Kona.