Saturday, October 29, 2011

Ho'okena Beach

Really, I have been making some sketches, even though I haven't been putting them up here. I could post them all at once, but wouldn't that spoil the fun?

OK, OK - what I did is just put them in the month of October. You'll have to look backwards for them.

Anyway, here's a watercolor-ish picture I did while at Ho'okena Beach. A girl had just gotten out of the surf and was carrying her fins. I know that it doesn't look very...Autumn-ish, but this is Hawaii. Anytime you go down to sea level and look, the waves are higher in the winter, and the sea is calm in the summer.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Mail Art

Sometimes I like to draw a place and then imagine I'm walking around in the scenery. I sent this little scene from my imagination off in the mail to someone who had sent me some art they had done. It's only postcard sized. It was a fun thing to do - I'll have to do more of that.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Sometimes when you do a piece of art, it's really hard to take a picture of it that makes it look like what it is in person. Sometimes taking a picture of a piece of art makes it look better.
This one was worse... The center, being pinkish, just glows in the real thing, making the lowly hibiscus look heaven sent. It doesn't really come out in the picture.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Paul Singing

Here's another one from that same night at open mike. The black color of the original drawing is butcher pencil, like the stuff butchers draw on their meat packages. Later I added some colored pencil to it...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Ukulele Player

Sometimes I like to go to open mikes. Not to perform, just to have people who stay still long enough to be a model.  This person is a Montessori teacher who can play the ukulele pretty well and sing too.

Of course, it's just a sketch that I added a bit of color to later - nothing really finished yet.